These are the pages of house Marsvin |
We are very interested in historical research and authentic display. Our personae are set in the city of Ystad, Scania, in the year 1365. The family name is 'Marsvin' - the Danish name for a porpoise. We are currently serving as Baron and Baroness of Ildhafn.
Who we are
The Picture Gallery
Permission is hereby granted to reprint our work in SCA publications, and for use in SCA classes, provided proper attribution is given. We also appreciate an email to tell us that you are going to use our article (we like the ego stroke!) Please note that in some cases we are not the original author, only the translator. It would be well to contact the original author directly if you wish to reprint any such article.
Articles on textiles and clothing
Woodworking and furniture
Wedding articles
Persona papers
Generic SCA articles