This is the bibliography we have used to develop our personae. To remind
you, we play at Skåne in 1365, and so naturally many of these books
are in Swedish or Danish (or even in the local dialect!).
The list includes quite a few books relevant to England. Because we are friends of an English household, the information is relevant. Also, by virtue of our location, it's not always easy to get hold of books specifically about Denmark. Any suggestions for relevant books to be added to this list will always be gratefully accepted.
Margrete I - Regent of the North. The Kalmar Union 600 Years. Nordisk
Ministerråd and Nationalmuseet 1997. ISBN 87-89384-52-0.
Exhibition catalogue and essays.This is the book handed to people in the
household as a primer, used as first reference on any questions... it's just
Treasures of Early Sweden - Klenoder ur äldre Svensk Historia.
Statens Historiska Museum 1984. ISBN 91-7192624-0.
This is a picture book of treasures in the Historical Museum of Sweden, ranging
from pre-history through to the renaissance.
Ancient Danish Textiles from bogs and burials, a comparative study of
Costume and Iron Age Textiles by Margrethe Hald. The National museum
of Denmark 1980. ISBN 87-480-0312-3.
Descriptions of three medieval kirtles in among the early garments.
Bockstensmannen och hans dräkt. Margareta Nockert. Hallands
länsmuseer 1987. ISBN 9185720-30-5.
Best overview of scandinavian extant and extrapolated clothing available.
Drottning Margaretas gyllene kjortel i Uppsala domkyrka. Agnes Geijer,
Anne Marie Franzën, Margareta Nockert. Kungliga Vitterhets Historie
och Antikvitets Akademien 1994. ISBN 91-7402-249-0.
The revised edition.
Hurusom man sig klädde - en bok om medeltida dräkt. Else
Marie Gutarp.Gotlands fornsal 1995. ISBN 91-88036-17-0.
A nice little book produced for the Medieval Week in Gotland. It actually
shows clothing that is later than 1361 (the year portrayed in the medieval
week) but as a general costume guide for Scandinavian Medieval times it is
Medieval finds from excavations in London:4 Textiles and Clothing c.
1150-c,1450, Elisabeth Crowfoot, Frances Pritchard and Kay Staniland.
HMSO 1992. ISBN 0-11-290445-9.
Many explanations of techniques not otherwise available.
Lille Margrete og andre børn i middelalderen. Ed. Connie Hinsch.
Nationalmuseet 1997.
Small catalogue published in conjunction with the Margrete exhibition.
NESAT III: Textile Symposium in York 6-9 May 1987. IAP 1990. ISBN
Medieval English and Flemish textiles found in Gdansk. Jerzy Maik
Patterned Cloths from 14th-century London. Frances Pritchard.
Buried Norsemen at Herjolfsnes. Poul Nørlund. Meddelelser om Grønland. C.A. Reitzel 1924
Fashion in the Age of the Black Prince. Stella Mary Newton.Boydell 1980. ISBN 0-85115-125-6
Historical Costume
History of Underwear
History of Children's clothing. All by Phillis Cunnington. (I haven't
got the bibliographical data on these).
Ældste Danske Kogebog prented i Kiøbenhaffn 1616. Fotografisk
Genoptryk Wormianum Århus 1966. ISBN 87-8516-006-7.
Once you figure out how to read the fraktur type, this is a treasure.
Til Taffel hos Kong Valdemar. Europas ældste kogebog efter to
middelalderhåndskrifter fra 1300talet. Hans Veirup. Systime 1994.
ISBN 87-7783-394-5.
This is one to use with caution. An accessible copy of two of the Harpestreng
versions, the original recipes are listed in both original and translation,
which is good. The author has then redacted them with the help of a modern
cook, and frankly, the redactions are terrible. A mustard recipe becomes
a mustard flavoured sauce, almond milk becomes a dessert. Ignore the redactions
Food and Feast in Medieval England. P.W. Hammond. Sutton Publishing
1996. ISBN 0-7509-0992-7.
No recipes, but a lot of the culture surrounding food.
A Taste of History - 10,000 years of food in Britain. Peter Brears, Maggie Black, Gill Corbishley, Jane Renfrew and Jennifer Stead. English Heritage and British Museum Press. 1993. ISBN 0-7141-1732-3.
Seven Hundred years of English Cooking. Maxime McKendry. Treasure Press 1973. ISBN 0-907407-49-8.
Both these are collections of recipes and also have information about food in general. The recipes may or may not tell you where the original came from, so consider them the 'quick and dirty' cookbooks.
Örter i människans tjänst. Gråbrödraklostrets örtagård. Ystads kommun 1996. ISBN 91-912313-4-7
Min svenska historia berättad för folket. Från Oden till
och med Dacke.Vilhelm Moberg. Norstedts Förlag. 1970/1990. ISBN
A history book told from the perspective of the common man. But quite honestly
it does have a political agenda and modifies its history to suit, and some
of it is outright questionable. Still, a good author and an amusing read.
He certainly has no exaggerated reverency for the royalty.
Skånes Historia Book I and II. Ingvar Andersson. Norstedt 1974.
ISBN 91-1-743102-6.
Very good history of an area that up until that time had generally only been
mentioned in passing.
Skåneländsk historisk handbok i lommeformat. Jonny Ambrius. Föreningen Skånelands framtid 1998. ISBN 91-971436-5-0.
Skånelands historia i fickformat. Jonny Ambrius. Föreningen Skånelands framtid 1997. ISBN 91-971436-2-6.
Both these are small booklets published by a patriotic association that does have an axe to grind. However it is not an unreasonable axe, and the history is relatively sound in the general, if not in all the details.
Skånes historia fram till Roskilde freden. Foke Hellberg.
Bokförlaget Scania 1981. ISBN 91-85624-15-2.
A book written by an enthusiast, on a low budget. The illustrations are
appalingly bad quality, but the history is OK if pretty brief.
Bevarandeplan för den Medeltida stadskärnan i Ystad. Stadsarkitekten Ystad kommun 1981.
By, Huvudgård och kyrka. Studier i Ystadområdets Medeltid. With English summaries. Red. Hans Andersson och Mats Anglert. Almqvist & Wiksell International. 1989. ISBN 91-22-01271-0. Brilliant cross-discipline work on the economical and social development of the region.
English Nobility in the Late Middle Ages. Chris Given-Wilson. Routledge & Kegan Paul.1987. ISBN 0-7102-0491-4
Life in a Medieval City. Joseph and Frances Gies. Harper Perennial 1981. ISBN 0-06-090880-7.
"Jag giver dig min dotter" Trolovning och äktenskap i den svenska kvinnans äldre historia II. Lizzie Carlsson. Rättshistoriskt Bibliotek tjugonde banded. Institutet för rättshistorisk forskning grundat av Gustav och Carin Olin. 1972.
Medieval Households. David Herlihy. Harvard University Press 1985. ISBN 0-674-56376-x
Medieval finds from excavations in London:6 The Medieval Household Daily Living c. 1150-c,1450. Geoff Egan. HMSO 1998 ISBN 0-11-290490-4
Bröllop. Kulturens årsbok 1993. ISSN 0454-5915
Women of the English Nobility and Gentry 1066-1500. Jennifer Ward. Manchester University 1995. ISBN 0-7190-4115-5.
English Noblewomen in the later Middle Ages. Jennifer Ward. Longman 1992. ISBN 0-582-05965-8.